Sunday, November 20, 2011

Scarf Tying

This is a really great little video that shows how to tie a scarf 25 ways in less than 5 minutes! It is scarf weather!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

It's been a while!

Well, it's been a while since the last time I posted on this blog. I've been posting almost daily on my photo a day blog - check that out here - and haven't really thought to post here. The trials and tribulations of having more than one blog. What an ailment of the digital age!

At any rate, things have changed! We're living in Asheville! We have been for about three months now. And it's wonderful. After I went to Michigan to visit Leigh I drove all the way to North Carolina in one day (it took me 11 hours) to see my family. And see my brother graduate from high school! That was exciting! Then I spent the summer looking for a job and a place to live in Asheville! It took a few trips, but things really fell into place quite smoothly. We have a cute little two-bedroom townhouse-style apartment and it's wonderful. Scott's in school again working on his business degree. And I'm working downtown Asheville.

It's fall in the mountains and it's lovely. It's FINALLY cooling off and for-real feeling like fall now. It's been strangely warm throughout October. The trees are changing colors and many of them are losing their leaves. It's past peak at higher elevation, but we're still enjoying the colors. And tomorrow is Halloween! We're having a tiny get-together with our wonderful next-door neighbors and we're going to eat chili and drink harvest-time-beverages and play games and wait for trick-or-treat-ers. I'm really excited! I even have a fun hat to wear - it's a purple witch hat with a spider. It was worth all four dollars that I spent on it.

So here's to me posting to this blog with some more regularity! It's worth a try people! Check back soon for more interesting posts.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Fun with Leigh in Ypsilanti!

Outside the Ugly Mug Coffee Shop in Ypsi.

Fire Spinning at the Corner Brewery.

Coffee hearts at Beezy's.

Taz Mandrila, the kitty cat.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hello Summer.

It's about time for a vacation, if I do say so myself. I've been on an epic adventure for the last year since graduating from Warren Wilson. Let's look back for a bit:

I moved out of the dorm at Wilson, drove home for a few days, and then drove to Maine to work on a schooner until October. Or at least that's what I was planning on. As it turned out, working on the boat was miserable. I was so depressed. It became clear to me very quickly that I would not be able to stay there for the next 9ish months as I had previously planned. And I was also told by a wonderful woman that I met who worked on another boat that if I gave a two-weeks notice that I would then be fired. So I left. I just packed all of my things back onto the boat without telling anyone and left. It went against every grain in my good-work-ethics body to leave like that and then call later to say that I was not coming back, but it was the best decision I could have possibly made. So Scott drove up to Freeport, ME and we spent the weekend camping at a nice little campground and figuring out my next moves. I decided that I would try to get a job(s) in Freeport and find a place to live, and if that fell through then I would move to Littleton with Scott and try again for a job there, and if that also fell through then I could always just go home to Chapel Hill. It was worth the adventure. I collected, filled out, and turned in about 12 applications in Freeport and then went to stay with Scott's grandparents in Kennebunkport while I waited to hear back about jobs. Then I started looking for a place to live. Scott found a couple looking to sublet a room in their tiny house right outside of Freeport. We went and looked at it and it was perfect! I got three job offers, took two jobs, and ended up with one almost-full-time job for about five months. It was probably the best thing that could have happened. Then as time went on we realized that Scott and I were not going to realistically move to Maine together at this point in our lives. So on Christmas Eve I had my last day at my job and moved to Littleton. I spent a week visiting my family and then started looking for jobs in and around Littleton. I applied to about five places, and started waiting for phone calls again. Then my grandfather passed away and I took advantage of the fact that I was currently unemployed and spent about a week with my grandmother after the memorial service. It was wonderful. During that time I got three calls for jobs. I came back and was hired at EMS in Acton! I have been counting my blessings with getting jobs and have felt so fortunate to have found great places to work. I worked at EMS for about five months and spent some wonderful time living with Scott. He decided to go back to Wilson to finish school, which is taking us back to Asheville, NC! We will have gone full circle, on an epic adventure, and end up back in the place where we met and fell in love, a place that we both are so happy. A place where we can jump out on our own and nest and make it ours. I couldn't be much happier!

Right now I am mid-road-trip-move-back-south in Ypsilanti, MI visiting my friend Leigh. We've decided to treat this week like a vacation and rest and relax and enjoy our time together. And after a year of moving around, it's nice to have a vacation before I get back to looking for jobs and places to live. The plan is to stay in Asheville for at least a few years until Scott is finished with school ... and who knows, maybe we'll stay longer. Here's to an adventure called life and all the wonderful places it is taking me and all the wonderful people I am surrounded by.

I continue to count my blessings.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

so many blogs!

I'm doing a bit of an experiment. To see what the differences are between certain blogs. Namely: WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr. (Respectively: , this blog, and )

That's why I haven't been posting here on Blogger quite as often. Feel free to check out my other blogs though! I'm working on figuring out which one to keep up with a bit more regularly. There are definitely differences between all of the hosts, and some are better than others at certain things. They all have their peculiarities, that's for sure.

In other news: things are looking up for moving back to North Carolina!!! I'll be back in time for my brother's graduation in June ... with just enough time before said graduation for a trip to Michigan. I know, random and not-at-all-on-the-way. But what's life without a bit of adventure, even if it's not necessarily "on the way."

Things in this neck of the woods are going. That's the most I care to elaborate other than to say that work is going well and it's been glorious to be able to see my sweetheart on a daily basis. I'm really going to miss that a lot for the couple of months that we're apart. Oh, and it's spring! Finally!!! Here are a few photos to document that it is, indeed, spring here in New England.

Repotting tomato seedlings into their own pots to grow, grow, grow!

The very last of the snow in the front yard just as it was melting.

Fungus!!! Neat mushrooms growing all over the rotting wood in the backyard.

Iris shoots!!! I can't wait until they bloom.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Mutual Weirdness

"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love." 
- Dr. Seuss

Sunday, March 6, 2011

GPOY Lazy Sunday Morning

We were watching to see if the squirrel would run away with his mouth on fire and smoke coming out of  his ears after eating birdseed with cayenne pepper on it. To our dismay, he's still there. Not for long!